I am always honoured when I get the opportunity to photograph military veterans who have given so much over the years for us to enjoy our current way of life. Here are some portraits I took ofGeorge Peters aged 93 at his home in Cheltenham. George is a Normandy veteran and has recently been awarded the Chevalier De la legion D'Honneur by France for his part in D Day. When I arrived George seemed genuinely excited that he was going to have his photograph taken and that his accomplishments were being recognised. He was a proud former serviceman and dressed immaculately for the shoot.
George is now partially sighted so I had to assist him in getting into the right positions for the shots. His sense of humour and lovely smile were a real inspiration! During the shoot George let slip that only one person has ever said thank you to him for what he gave to the country during the war. I felt so sad for George and slightly guilty on behalf of my generation that we don't show our appreciation when we meet these amazing men and women! Needless to say I gave George the utmost respect and tried to make him feel like royalty during the shoot. :-)